Combat Martial Arts


Our Style
CMA Ryu Martial Arts
A Traditional System Taught in a Modern Style!
Our syllabus is primarily made up of a blend of Japanese Ju-Jitsu (approximately 58% of the CMA Ryu syllabus) and (FMA) Fillipino Martial Arts (approximately 42% of the CMA Ryu syllabus). We also include influences and principles from Traditional Judo, Wado Ryu Karate, Aikido and Fung Shao Kung-Fu to help develop and express certain principles of the training.
Our martial arts classes are geared towards teaching our students life skills such as discipline, respect, and self-confidence. We offer three classes:
- Junior: this class is for children aged 5 to 12yrs old, and is suitable for new starters or those with prior training.
- Senior Ju-Jitsu: this class is suitable for new starters or students who are ready to move up from the Junior class and is for students 13yrs and upwards.
- Ju Kata Michi: this is a new class coming in September 2025 for 16yr old and upwards, it is NOT a martial art or high intensity keep fit class.
Our Junior Martial Art class teaches a mix of Japanese Ju-Jitsu, Judo, Fillipino Martial Arts and Empty Hand techniques via a mix of traditional training and games geared towards giving our young students a good understanding of the principles involved in learning a martial art.
Our Senior Martial Arts class increases the training, making it more practical and aims to instil a deeper understanding of the principles found in the martial arts. We believe this allows our students to utilise the knowledge they are gaining in our class across a broad spectrum of their lives.
Our Calming Kata Class (Ju Kata Michi - Gentle Form Method) is geared towards getting people moving within their own comfort zone and hopefully improving that mobility over time. It teaches breathing methods and a number of traditional Kata (Forms) that have been altered into a smooth gentle flowing compilation of moves designed to (hopefully) help improve your overall movement and mental health.
All three classes are taught by Shihan Dave Court who holds the rank of 5th Dan (Godan) in Kempo Ju-Jitsu with the International Kempo Ju-Jitsu Union and has been studying Martial Arts since the age of 4yrs old (so 40+ years). Shihan Court also holds the rank of 1st Dan (Shodan) in Traditional Judo, 2nd Dan (Nidan) in Wado Ryu Karate and holds a 2nd Degree Black Belt and Senior Coach award in FMA from Dacayana Eskrima UK & Europe.
Traditional Martial Arts training has been shown to have many benefits for those who study it:
- Improved Physical Health.
- Improved Mental Health.
- Improved Self-Confidence.
- Improved Self-Reliance.
- Improved co-ordination.
- Increased levels of Discipline.
- Increased levels of Respect for others.
- Increased Self-Respect.
- A lifelong interest / hobby.
- Meeting people with a common / shared interest in the martial arts.
- Making lifelong friends.
- Improve problem solving skills.
- Teaches perseverance.
Kempo Ju-Jitsu is a very technical system and learning it involves the learning, understanding and application of some basic scientific concepts such as:
- Balance.
- Levers.
- Basic Physiology.
- Basic Psychology.
- Strategies.
It teaches us that doing something the right way, is much more beneficial in the long run than taking a ‘short-cut’. If you are interested in trying out a new hobby, feel free to come and give our class a try, it is taught in a relaxed and friendly environment, and if your children also train then it can give you a shared interest and common bond as you all grow throughout your martial arts journey.​